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Lysefjorden Yoga & Meditation
A Path to Liberation
A Path to Liberation is a 7-week course starting August 4th, Sundays on awakening and healing through the Chakras led by our co-creator Suraya Sam. This course is curated to give you a deeper understanding of the physiological and psychological aspects of Chakra energy deficiencies and excesses along with the role they play in waking up to your most connected and Divine self. Practices such as yoga, somatic movement, breathwork, vocal toning, and sound therapy are augmented into this weekly course.
You are welcome to join all 7 weeks or you may choose a Chakra or two that you'd like to specifically work on. Here are the details:
August 4th
Root Chakra: Located at the base of the spine – governs the Adrenal glands, our relationship with fear and our need for survival. It’s our foundation. We'll also focus on grounding postures, releasing our fears and connect with the element of Earth.
August 11th
Sacral Chakra: Located just below your belly button – governs our Reproductive system, our relationship with pleasure, our creativity and sexual impulses. We'll also focus on opening the hips, release tension on the lower back and connect with the ebb and flow element of Water.
August 18th
Solar Plexus Chakra: Located right in the space where your bottom two ribs meet – governs the Pancreas, our relationship with power, our will, determination to get things done and need to succeed. We'll also focus on twisting, empowering postures and connect with the element of Fire.
September 1st
Heart Chakra: Located in the center of your chest – governs the Thymus gland, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and your ability to give and receive love. We'll also focus on heart opening postures and connect with the expansion element of Air.
September 8th
Throat Chakra: Located in the space where your collar bones meet – governs the Thyroid, your capacity to speak your truth, or willingness to hear and respect the truth of others and your creative expression. We'll also focus on releasing tension on the neck, shoulder and re-connect with the element of Sound.
September 15th
Third Eye Chakra: Located between your eyes and governs the Pineal gland, your intuition, wisdom and dream state. We'll also focus on somatic movement, breathwork, energetic locks, meditation and connect with the element of Light.
September 29th
Crown Chakra: Located at the top of your head – governs the Pituitary gland, it’s the seat of your highest consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. We'll also focus on somatic movement, breathwork, meditation and connect with the element of Consciousness.
Ready to dive in and explore?
You'll receive a digital workbook for integration if you signed up for the full 7-week course.